

The Accessibility Services Office is responsible for accessibility administration and also guides students through the self-identification and accommodations process.

If you are a student with a disability, we will help you  identify the appropriate accommodations for your specific functional limitation. The entire college community works together to provide you with the accommodations you need.

The office also serves as a resource for faculty and staff who work with students with disabilities.  Staff are available to answer questions, consult on problem situations, provide information, and support accommodated students. By working together, we can ensure that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in all aspects of higher education.

Disabilities Overview

In order to be granted accommodations, a disability must be diagnosed by a medical professional, and the diagnosis must be presented to the Student Accessibility Services office (via a Counsellor). All disability information is kept private and confidential.

Explore the list of common issues or disabilities below and click on  any listed to learn more, including about possible strategies and accommodations.



You are encouraged to self-identify to Student Accessibility Services as early in the admission process as possible to plan accommodations that will equalize your opportunities to participate in all learning and assessment activities within Â鶹tv. Counsellors are bound to maintain confidentiality within the parameters of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Legislation.

Self-Identification Without Documentation

Once you self-identify     (without documentation), you and a counsellor will meet.  If    the counsellor determines that a diagnosis is likely, they will develop an interim accommodation plan with you    and determine whether they can secure additional documentation of the disability  from a registered health practitioner.

Self-Identification With Documentation

If you have documentation of a permanent disability and choose to provide the counsellor a copy, the Counsellor will develop the accommodation plan based on the functional restrictions and limitations in a course resulting from the disability.


Bursary For Students With Disabilities (BSWD)

If you are a student with a disability who qualifies for OSAP, you  may also qualify for a the Bursary For Students With Disabilities (BSWD). You, the Financial Aid Administrator, and the counsellor will process the BSWD application together. If you qualify, you may use the bursary to support disability-related educational expenses without incurring additional debt.